It’s Time

The members United Faculty of ISU - University Professionals of Illinois Local 4100 have voted overwhelmingly to support a strike if President Tarhule and ISU administration refuse to reach a fair agreement immediately.

After more than a year of bargaining, our unionized faculty have made it crystal clear that they have had enough. The outcome of today’s vote says it all: They stand ready to strike.

From the beginning, these dedicated educators have focused on securing a contract that will build ISU and best serve students by ensuring the university can attract and retain world-class faculty.

ISU Administration has agreed to four (4) more mediated bargaining sessions in the next two weeks. Our members want to avoid any disruption to student learning, but the administration continues to force our hand.

The choice belongs to President Tarhule: When we bargain next Monday (3/24), the members have sent the message that we expect the Administration to come to the table with a serious offer. Otherwise, UFISU members are poised to take the next step – onto the picket line.

We are a decisive and overwhelming majority. But If you are not yet a member of your Union the UFISU-UPI, Local 4100, now is the time to become a member. Please reach out to unitedfacultyofisu[at]gmail[dot]com to join.