September 10, 2024
“We did notice that President Tarhule has been publicly talking about finances, would we maybe have economics today?” Dr. Ashley Farmer
“No.” Mark Bennett
We wrapped up TWO Tentative Agreements (TAs) today: “Transfers Within and Return to the Bargaining Unit” and “Discipline.” Discipline in particular has gone through MANY negotiations over the last several months. This is a huge win for us!
Today’s session began with UFISU’s Co-Lead Spokesperson Ashley Farmer presenting our counter-proposals on Limitations and Savings, Appointment Procedures, Promotion and Tenure, and Evaluations. The Limitations proposal indicates existing items–such as laws and policies–that the agreement must align with. We added language that UFISU reserves the right to bargain the impacts of any changes in those items according to the Illinois Education Labor Relations Act.The Savings proposal protects us if laws change by rendering the directly affected provisions invalid while maintaining the rest of the agreement as valid. We added clarifying language to this proposal.
Our counter-proposal on Appointment Procedures, Promotion and Tenure, and Evaluations includes our movement in several areas :
We are holding on language that would ensure ISU provides additional financial support to International Faculty who face obstacles to work in the US.
We maintain language that the university will complete all paperwork for visas on time, that they pay for all work-related visa and procedural fees. Additionally, if the employer makes a mistake (which has happened to members), ISU will reimburse for additional legal and visa expenses.
We agreed to remove language that faculty have a right to an additional English language support person, with the rationale that there will be other opportunities to get support through our union.
In Evaluation, we maintain that anonymous student feedback cannot be used for disciplinary purposes or to deny tenure or promotion. This language reflects suggested practices in research on student feedback.
We maintain language that employees must be given two work days’ written notice before a formal teaching observation takes place.
Additional language clarifies that formal observation feedback can be used in evaluations, and will be available no later than the Friday after Fall grades are due.
Then Administration Spokesperson Mark Bennett presented their counter-proposals on Discipline, and a packet on Program Reorganizations, Consolidation, or Disestablishment, Transfers, and Staff Reduction Procedures. Their Discipline counter-proposal details include:
Adding language similar to ours that discipline is an administrative function managed through the Office of the Provost.
Agreeing to remove written notification of discipline from HR’s personnel file 48 months after the issue of discipline (our proposal was 18 months), if no other discipline was issued. The notification may be kept in another university office as per the Personnel Records Act.
Instructing Department Chairs, School Directors, and Deans to maintain confidentiality in the disciplinary process.
Agreeing to language that a union representative present at a disciplinary hearing can read prepared remarks on behalf of the employee.
The Employer’s Program Reorganization, Consolidation, or Disestablishment counter-proposal states these will happen in accordance with University governing documents, policies, and procedures. We feel this is not detailed enough, especially in contrast to our detailed two-page proposal. The Transfers Within and Return to the Bargaining Unit was largely aligned with our initial proposal. Notable details include:
A transfer to another position in the university can be requested. It will be reviewed by the affected Department Chairs and Deans, with input from the DFSC/SFSC/and CFSC. A response will be given within 90 days.
If an employee has left a bargaining unit position and then later returns to a bargaining unit position, they will be paid no less than their prior in-unit salary, not including raises.
We then went to caucus for 1.5 hours. During caucus, members discussed their impressions of what happened at the table and also got the word out to others about signing our “Sally-darity” petition. Sign and share with anyone on campus (student, faculty, staff) and in the larger Bloomington-Normal community.
Upon return, Ashley presented our counter-proposal on Discipline, and noted that we accept the administration’s proposal on Transfers Within and Return to the Bargaining Unit. In Discipline, we accepted many of the edits that Administration proposed earlier in the day, except that we requested that discipline files be removed after 24 months, instead of 48.
MB presented their counter-proposal on Grievance Procedure. We are getting close in some areas but still far apart in others. Notable details include:
Employer included our clarifying language about resolving issues via open communication
Employer made movement toward our language on statement of dispute
Employer moved toward our language that the First Formal Step may be waived with mutual written agreement of the parties Employer accepted our proposal that Optional Mediation is available if the grievance is not resolved at the Second Formal Step We agree that either party has the right to reject the complete arbitrator list 1 time as long as it is within the determined timeframe
Employer agreed to our language that employees have the right to represent themselves
Employer added our language that if an Employee is participating in a Grievance proceeding during work hours, their salary cannot be increased or decreased for time spent
After another brief caucus, the administrative team returned with another counter on Discipline that largely aligned with our own. Significantly, we found common ground on language around suspending employees who engage in “severe disruption.” Their initial proposals did not modify this vague phrase, which we felt left members vulnerable. They finally agreed to language about severe disruption that disrupts effective teaching and learning, and that the union can file a grievance to challenge if such disruptions are severe. The admin counter also decreased the timeline for removing disciplinary records from department files from 48 to 36 months. This was the only difference between our two proposals, and we agreed that the timeline is reasonable, so we signed a tentative agreement before ending the session.
We confirmed our next bargaining session will take place on Monday from 1pm-5pm in the Administration Building 1. Come see what happens in bargaining and be a part of the process! See you there!