United for a Stonger ISU

  • If you are not a member, or know someone who’d like to join UFISU, contact us to schedule a membership conversation!


  • You can join; You can wear green on Thursdays; You can come to Open Bargaining; You can attend Board of Trustees Meetings; or you can take a more active role by joining our Contract Action Team (CAT)

  • CAT stands for Contract Action Team. This body is comprised of faculty from all across campus that meets weekly to ensure that union activities work and that their home departments remain engaged. BBG is the Big Bargaining Group that meet and make decisions about how the union will bargain. It is also comprised of faculty from across campus that were elected by members of the CAT. Lastly, the TT is the Table Team. These are members of the BBG that go to the table to negotiate with the administration.